
What is a knowledge management system?

A  knowledge management system  ( KMS ) is a  system  for applying and using  knowledge management  principles. These include data-driven objectives around business productivity, a competitive business model, business intelligence analysis and more. A knowledge management system ( KMS ) is a system for applying and using knowledge management principles. These include data-driven objectives around business productivity, a competitive business model , business intelligence analysis and more.  A knowledge management system is made up of different software modules served by a central user interface. Some of these features can allow for data mining on customer input and histories, along with the provision or sharing of electronic documents. Knowledge management systems can help with staff training and orientation, support better sales, or help business leaders to make critical decisions. As a discipline, knowledge management is often confused with business intelligence

How to improve employee engagement?

Tips to increase employee engagement Employee engagement is more related to the upper part of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: the sense of belonging (social needs), the sense of self-value and purpose (esteem needs) and personal growth (self-actualisation). How to drive employee engagement Employee engagement  is a behaviour. And any change in behaviour on a group level relies first on communication. That’s where, in my opinion,  digital collaboration  and internal communication tools have an important role to play, by: connecting employees to peers establishing a sense of belonging even for remote workers effectively relaying the organisation’s strategy and mission improving employee recognition connecting employees to information enabling flexibility to balance work and life issues increasing trust in the organisation and its management thanks to increased openness and transparency. For me details...